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Bishop Grandin Greenway, Winnipeg, 2009
Commissioned by Winnipeg Arts Commission
A black granite block, marked with a pattern informed by the agricultural landscape of the early Metis settlers, is counterpointed by a monumental antler directing your view to the hydro towers beyond. Tracing between the lines on the block, you trace the shape of the Red River. land/mark reflects on the human imprint, on the marks we leave on the land - physical, conceptual, mythological.
Bishop Grandin Greenway, Winnipeg, 2009
Commissioned by Winnipeg Arts Commission
A black granite block, marked with a pattern informed by the agricultural landscape of the early Metis settlers, is counterpointed by a monumental antler directing your view to the hydro towers beyond. Tracing between the lines on the block, you trace the shape of the Red River. land/mark reflects on the human imprint, on the marks we leave on the land - physical, conceptual, mythological.
Photo: Robert Tinker