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Red Brick Residential Development, Burnaby, 2015
Commissioned by Amacon
An artwork linking a semi-private residential courtyard to a public greenway – a large 18’ high “drawing” of a house set in a pool. Two sculptural, totemic animals face each other from across the house. Overscaled, minimal- almost like chess pieces - one suggests a domestic cat, the other a fox or coyote. Domesticity and the wild, face to face, curious.
Red Brick Residential Development, Burnaby, 2015
Commissioned by Amacon
An artwork linking a semi-private residential courtyard to a public greenway – a large 18’ high “drawing” of a house set in a pool. Two sculptural, totemic animals face each other from across the house. Overscaled, minimal- almost like chess pieces - one suggests a domestic cat, the other a fox or coyote. Domesticity and the wild, face to face, curious.
Photo courtesy of Amacon
Photo courtesy of Amacon
Photo courtesy of Amacon